Dark Corners (PG)
Dark Corners 2: Whispers (PG)
In Control (R)
New Neighbors (PG-13)

A Fatal White Embrace (R)
Black (PG-13)
Seventh in the Prism Series
Blue (PG-13) Eighth in the Prism Series
Gray (PG-13) Second in the Prism Series
Green (PG-13) Third in the Prism Series
Heart To Heart (PG-13)
Line In The Sand (NC-17)
Orange (R)
Sixth in the Prism Series
Profaned (NC-17)
Purple (PG-13)
Fifth in the Prism Series
Red (PG-13) Fourth in the Prism Series
Thaw (NC-17)
The Gentle Art Of Compromise (NC-17)
White (R)
Ninth in the Prism Series
Yellow (PG-13) First in the Prism Series